Vertical Transport Consultants

Spotlight Near Miss Reporting App

Spotlight Near Miss Reporting App

As part of our ongoing improvements and revisions to our H&S processes, D2E have now integrated the use of the new ‘Spotlight’ app from SafetyCulture which allows for reporting near misses, hazards and incidents within our company. This dynamic app allows near misses to be shared immediately, with all company members receiving a ‘newsflash’ notification on their mobile phones of the near miss location, details, equipment, severity and other relevant information, and any further updates to the progress of closing out a near miss can be made easily.

This new process will ensure all our associates are up to date and aware of safety issues, will make it easier for our associates to report near misses and will raise our overall awareness of the importance of using near misses to prevent further incidents and accidents in the workplace. Reports from the app can easily be shared with our Clients, who are informed if a near miss, accident, hazard or incident is found or occurs on their site. D2E also provide analysis on the near misses raised across our own and Client sites throughout the year and issue an article in our Annual Safety Report to Clients of frequent types of near misses raised or key areas of risk.