Vertical Transport Consultants


We have developed a unique system, 'iPAMS™' to survey all aspects of each vertical transportation installation.

Within our consultancy services, D2E can provide a survey conducted by a fully qualified lift engineer consultant and can be customised to suit any client's requirements. We approach each survey individually as no two pieces of equipment are the same; and have built surveys for different types of VT equipment, including lifts and escalators. The surveys can cover anything from a basic site survey report, which includes a visual inspection to establish the overall condition of the VT equipment, a full survey which looks at the condition and also the compliance of the equipment to codes and regulations (health & safety, accessibility and EN81-80 Safety Norm for Existing Lifts); a client report, which adds an explanatory commentary to the full survey; and a strategic report which expands the client report with modernisation proposals, building strategies and full recommendations with regards to life-cycle of existing equipment (including budgets ad timescales). Additionally, we can provide troubleshooting services, working in conjunction with the maintenance supplier, to rectify any lift issues or VT issues.

We also offer due diligence feasibility surveys, where we carefully assess any prospective projects to inform clients of the potential financial risk before they commit to tender. 

20 Fenchurch Street
London, UK

D2E were brought in by the landlord to manage the mobilisation of VT contractors’ operational team following the installation. Through a disciplined and precise process D2E oversaw the closure of in excess of 1,000 snags during a 10 month transition to a full operational building. Read further for a case study of the customer experience survey designed and conducted by D2E.

20 Fenchurch Street View Case Study