D2E International VT Consultants Ltd (D2E) take no liability for the results generated from this study. Any results obtained through this tool are solely based on the data provided by the user and are only intended to provide an indicative assessment. D2E does not provide any warranty of the performance of the elevator system installed on site.
Copyright in all documents, designs and information prepared by D2E for the Project belongs to D2E. This product may be used free of charge. Selling without prior written consent is prohibited. You must obtain prior written permission from D2E before redistributing. In all cases this notice mustremain intact.
Each party agrees that it will treat all Confidential Information belonging to the other party as confidential, safeguard it accordingly and only use Confidential Information for the purposes of this product.
This restriction does not apply to information that is publicly known, which was already in the recipient’s possession, was received from a third party, independently developed or must be disclosed by law.
If needed, you will provide us with an updated copy of all available documents and information that may pertain to our services and distribute in-coming information to the various consultants involved. The client confirms that it has used this product wholly on its own behalf and not on behalf of or for the benefit of any other party. By using this product, you’ve come to an agreement with D2E and the agreement shall be governed by and in accordance with the laws of England.